When departing from the barn there are different trail options.

One Hour Trails

E Z Trail.

Brings you up and down into a valley where you have the opportunity to see a small stream. You then slowly wined up and around through the trees and valley where you meet up with our middle trail.

By-Pass Trail

Consists of climbing the hill side while twisting and turning to the top through some rocks and trees and down through a natural spring stream.

Lower Washboard

It takes no time at all to get to the top. It’s straight up the side of the hill. From this trail you join up with the Upper middle Trail.

Middle Trail
middle trail

This trail will bring you up into the dense forest of the foothills. On this trail you will have the opportunity to see some of the animals out here.

Upper Fern Valley
upper fern valley

This trail will take you out through the sword ferns and the fir trees. Where you can look down into the lower valley and possibly see the elk or a deer.

View Pt.
view point

This trail will bring you through more dense forest while ending up out at our View Pt. which is an elevated view of Alder Lake and the Nisqually River.

Upper E-Z Trail

You will go through the fir and cedar trees at a nice slow pace, coming out to our landing, where the guide would be happy to take your picture.

Alder Trail
alder trail

The Alder trail takes you down through the Alder trees and past a stream. Here you might get lucky and be able to grab a wild berry to snack upon.

Cell Tower Trail
cell tower

This is just what it says an old logging road that takes you past the cell tower and up into the trees. This trail joins up with the View Pt Trail and brings you back down to the barn.

Two Hour Trails

EZ 2 hour

This trail will take you at a nice leisurely pace out to an old logging road taking you where the trees are spaced just enough, that you might be able to catch a glance of a deer or an elk.

Long 2 hour

This long two hour trail brings you down an old logging road and through the new growth Alder trees. Then crossing down into an old clear cut where you are over looking Alder Lake (she looks really big). Then back down to the barn.

Three Hour Trails

The 3 hour trail
3 hour

The three hour trail takes you even farther up into the Elbe Hills. It brings you into the dense forest with old growth Cedar stumps and trees with moss hanging from them…out into the forest with nature and your guide. This trail takes you up to an even higher view.